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Remembrance Sunday 12th November

Remembrance Sunday 12th November 10.30am Remembrance Service at the Churchill Memorial (NOT Holy Communion) 4.00pm Solemn Sung Evensong 1662 Book of Common Prayer

Remembrance Sunday 12th November

10.30am Remembrance Service at the Churchill Memorial (NOT Holy Communion)

4.00pm Solemn Sung Evensong 1662 Book of Common Prayer

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Remembrance Sunday 12th November

10.30am Remembrance Service in church (NOT Holy Communion) ~12.00 Service at Churchill Memorial 4.00pm Solemn Sung Evensong 1662 Book of Common Prayer

10.30am Remembrance Service in church (NOT Holy Communion)

~12.00 Service at Churchill Memorial

4.00pm Solemn Sung Evensong 1662 Book of Common Prayer

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