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Maundy Thursday, 6.30pm March 28th

A special moment of preparation and Solemn Evensong

Maundy Thursday is the holy day upon which we recount the events around Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples and the institution of Holy Communion, recalling his words: “Do this in remembrance of me.”

Not only this, but we remember how Jesus took the form of a servant and washed his disciples’ feet.

At 6.30pm St Paul’s sanctuary will be stripped of all ornamentation, the reserved Sacrament removed from the aumbry (the special place where it is stored) and the sanctuary lamp, which at all other times remains lit to remind us that Jesus is the Light of the World, is extinguished. This is powerfully symbolic.

A Solemn Evensong will be sung, and in this way, with the Gospel reading, we prayerfully prepare ourselves for Good Friday. 

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