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Regular Giving to Support Church Life

“All things come from you O Lord, and of your own do we give you.” 1 Chronicles 29:14

“All things come from you O Lord, and of your own do we give you.”

1 Chronicles 29:14



The season of Lent provides us all with an opportunity to reflect upon how we can financially support the life and mission of the Church. This is an obligation as Christian people, but often it is helpful to have a specific focus for our giving and there are many areas of St Paul’s Church life that you could choose to support, including:

  • Sunday School (materials and activities)
  • Refreshments after Church on a Sunday
  • Souvenir printing for special services
  • Vestry supplies
  • Replacement hymn and prayer books
  • Church Flowers
  • General maintenance
  • The Centenary Fund
  • Social events.
  • Cleaning materials
  • Organ maintenance
  • The Church Hardship Fund
  • The continuing refurbishment and restoration of silver and brass sacred objects and historic documents

In addition, we have begun to draw up a list of internal and external works to be undertaken over the next few years.

I would encourage you to consider how you would like to contribute towards  the ongoing mission of St Paul’s within the Principality and invite you to contact me to discuss this in more detail.

Hugh, St Paul’s Chaplain 

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