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We would love to see you at any of our Sunday services or special services during the year. Here is the latest information for the period from January to Easter 2024.

14th February 6.00pm Ash Wednesday service of Said Holy Communion which is the start of Lent – all are welcome

18th February 10.30am – Our guest preacher will be Mr. Bradley Smith, Chairman of the Prayer Book Society

Lent Course

A short series of 4 informal discussions led by the Chaplain. Simply turn up at the church and enjoy refreshments at St Paul’s House afterwards.

21st February 6.00-7.00pm –  A Tour of St Paul’s – What Don’t we See?

28th Feb 6.00-7.00pm – Who is Jesus?

6th March 6.00-7.00pm – How to read the Bible?

13th March 6.00-7.00pm – How do we pray?

Holy Week 

24th March – Palm Sunday 

28tth March – Maundy Thursday

29tth March – Good Friday

29tth March – Easter Sunday

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