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Easter Sunday Services, March 31st

He is Risen! Join us for our celebration services on this special day.

The events of Holy Week, Jesus’ bitter agony in the garden of Gethsemane, his betrayal, denial, mock trial, scourging, his progress along the Via Dolorosa and his  Crucifixion are all eclipsed by the Resurrection on Easter Day.

Please note that clocks go forward one hour on Sunday 31st March!

6.45am  SUNRISE SERVCE Meeting outside as dawn is breaking, we move from semi-darkness into light. The Sunrise service begins with the Gospel reading, the chanting of the Easter Anthem, and use of incense. Those present are led  into church.

The Paschal candle is lit and lifted up amid acclamations and all those present will light their own candles from this flame. This brings to mind the women who at early dawn visited the tomb and discovered that, “The Lord is risen.” The whole Church is then censed. 

8.00am Said Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)

10.30am Sung Holy Communion 

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